Over 20 years experience
Living Well & More in Control
Hi, I'm Missy Bradley and I have been working with clients in the field of nutrition for over 25 years. Working with both individuals and teaching group classes.
I would love to help you feel better and be more confident in your current health situation.
Using a realistic, non-threatening approach, we can work together to create your wellness goals.
Extreme or rigid plans never work for very long and can make your days miserable.
Let's create a lifestyle vs a diet, you can pursue for a lifetime. We will include foods you actually like to eat & choose some daily health habit goals you will actually follow.

Missy Barto Bradley
Reg. Dietitian & Licensed Nutritionist
Prior to becoming a private practice dietitian, I have worked for most of the past 20 years as an Outpatient Diabetes Specialist at Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga, TN.
Before moving back home to Chattanooga, in 2000, my first dietetics position was working at UT Hospital in Knoxville TN as both an Outpatient Diabetes Educator and an Inpatient Cancer Dietitian working with patients and families to create better quality of life.
I received my BS in Food & Nutrition from University of Tennessee, Chattanooga in 1995 and my Masters in Clinical Nutrition from East Tennessee State University in 1999.
"Sweet People" have always been my favorite sort to work with
Let me help you find balance in your walk with Diabetes

Diabetes Management & Counselling
I have been a Certified Diabetes Education Specialist (CDCES) for the past 22 years working with those having Type 1, Type 2 and pre Diabetes
Let's work together, building your knowledge & your confidence to achieve better living each day.
Nutrition & Wellness Counselling

Medical Nutrition Therapy is most often used to help individuals and families who have been diagnosed with one or more chronic diseases. But its greatest use should be as preventative care.
We can create an individual plan to move you toward healthier days & better living one day at a time.
Diabetes & Wellness Dietitian

Get in touch to arrange a 15 minute initial consultation to discuss your needs and concerns and to find out if this is the the right practice for you
When in person:
55 E. Main Street, Suite 106 Chattanooga, TN 37408

*Telehealth Services available statewide in TN